Student Organization Registration Processes
Bring Your Vision to Life: Start a New Student Organization at UW-Eau Claire!
Do you have a unique idea for a student organization that's not already represented at UW-Eau Claire? Now is your chance to turn your vision into reality! Follow these steps to create a new organization and make a lasting impact on campus:
- Gather Your Team: Start by finding at least three 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 friends who share your passion and are excited to join your new group.
- Secure a current 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Staff Advisor: Identify a staff member who supports your idea and is willing to serve as your organization's advisor. This step is crucial for guidance and support throughout the process and beyond.
- Develop Your Vision: Clearly outline your organizations' purpose, goals, and activities. This vision will help guide your groups' formation and growth.
- Submit Your Registration: New student organization registration requests are accepted from September 1st through March 31st. Be sure to submit all necessary forms and documents during this period.
For detailed instructions and the necessary forms, please refer to the appropriate menu topics below. Please read each item carefully to ensure you're following the correct procedures and submitting the right forms. This is an exciting opportunity to bring something new and meaningful to our campus community!
Before You Begin:
Please note that not all new student organization requests will be approved. Several factors will be considered during the review process, including, but not limited to: the number of similar existing organizations, the interest and sustainability of the organization, and the use of campus resources. The New Student Organization request process is open during the academic year. Applications are accepted between September 1st - March 31st.
Questions and requirements to consider before applying:
- Does your organization overlap with any existing organizations and what makes it different from similar organizations?
- Does your organization meet the current 澳门葡京网赌送彩金/UW-System constitution guidelines for recognition?
- Is your organization sustainable? Do you have members and interest to keep the organization going from year to year?
- Do you have a minimum of 4 currently enrolled 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 student members/officers to start the student organization? (this is required)
- Do you have a current 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 faculty/staff member who is willing to serve as the advisor to the student organization? (this is required)
- Why does 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 need this organization you are proposing?
- What resources will your organization require, and can the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Student Senate/University support your needs?
NOTE: Certain types of organizations may require further vetting and approvals from other departments or administrators as well as additional recognition processes. This includes but is not limited to Club Sports and/or chapters of nationally affiliated organizations.
Application Steps:
- Sign into the Blugold Connect+ system - 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's online student engagement management platform/app using your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 credentials - REQUESTS MUST BE MADE BY A CURRENT 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 STUDENT (faculty/advisors or non-student requests will not be accepted and therefore denied.)
- Click on the Groups tab to review all currently registered 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 student organizations to ensure that there isn't a student organization that already exists with the same purpose. The Student Organizations Commission has the authority to deny your request if a similar student organization is already established at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金.
- If it is determined that another student organization does not exist with the same or similar purpose, you will need to prepare the following items prior to submitting your New Student Organization request.
- Review the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金/UW-System Constitution Guidelines and determine how your organization will answer and adhere to these requirements.
- Secure a current 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Faculty/Staff member who has agreed to serve as the organization's advisor.
- Once you've reviewed/completed the above steps, you will need to complete and submit the online New Student Organization Registration request via Blugold Connect+ by clicking on the blue "Register New Student Organization box." (available Sept. 1 - Mar. 30th.)
- Complete all required registration fields.
- Click Submit.
Upon receiving the completed request, the organization will be placed on Provisional Status for up to six weeks while your advisor, the Student Organizations Commission of the Student Senate, and the Activities, Involvement, & Leadership office reviews the request in its entirety to ensure all requirements have been met. (You will be notified should there be any necessary revisions.)
During the Provisional Status timeframe, the student organization will be permitted to do the following:
- Reserve meeting rooms - facilities may be used only for the purpose of forming the organization. Privileges of financial solicitation, presentation of speakers, social events (including the Blu's Organizations Bash), etc. are reserved for officially registered RSO's (Recognized Student Organizations) only.
- Set up tables in the Davies Center for recruitment purposes only.
- Utilize bulletin board space (to display posters) and digital advertising to conduct membership drives.
- Upon request, utilize an assigned locker, meeting rooms, & and Student Organization Makerspace located within the Student Involvement Center (220 Davies Center.)
Any organization violating its provisional status will have their organization immediately revoked. The organization may start the Group Registration request process over again if it falls between September 1st and March 31st. The decision to revoke status will be made by the Student Organizations Commission of the Student Senate or the Activities, Involvement, and Leadership office. The decision of the Student Organization Commission may be appealed to the entire Student Senate.
IF YOUR GROUP REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT MET: The group shall be granted an additional time period in which to revise the registration/constitution information and resubmit it for a second review.
IF ALL OF THE GROUP REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET: The Student Organizations Commission will make a recommendation to the Activities, Involvement, and Leadership office who will then make the final recognition determination. Upon approval by the Activities, Involvement, and Leadership office, the group shall be acknowledged as an officially "registered student organization" (RSO.)
In compliance with university regulations regarding student organizations the following ANNUAL RE-REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT STEPS must be completed no later than October 15th (by 11:59pm) each fall semester to remain in good standing:
- All student organization Presidents are required to attend the Student Organization Leaders "Nuts & Bolts" Training each fall semester. Additional officers are highly encouraged to attend this training as well.
- Submit your organizations' "Group Re-Registration" form via Blugold Connect+. (This includes completing the required annual Constitution form that is already built into the re-registration form.)
- Choose your "Group" from the group list
- Click on the blue "+ Group Re-registration" button to complete your re-registration information (be sure to hit "Submit.")
- Notify your advisor that they must review and approve/deny your submission before it can move forward in the approval process. (Advisors will receive an email from regarding your submission.)
- Secure and ensure you have a current 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 faculty/staff advisor in place (meet with them to discuss upcoming year.)
- UPDATE YOUR BLUGOLD CONNECT+ GROUP PAGE: Submitting your re-registration information DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE YOUR GROUP'S OFFICER INFORMATION ON YOUR PUBLIC BC+ GROUP PAGE - click here for instructions on how to make these important updates.
Student organizations must also update their organizations' Blugold Connect+ portal information any time there is a change in the constitution, officers, members, or advisors throughout the year.
Student organizations that fail to re-register their organization registration by the October 15th deadline will be automatically deactivated.
Deactivated student organizations lose all rights and privileges of a "registered student organization" including, but not limited to:
- The right to reserve rooms
- Apply for student segregated fee funding
- Participate in the bi-annual Blu's Organizations Bash events
- Participate in student organization professional development workshops
- Set up tables in the Davies Center and/or on the Campus Mall
- Use bulletin board or digital monitor space to display information
- Use mailbox units, lockers, or supplies in the Student Involvement Center or Makerspace
- Use of the online student organization/engagement management system - Blugold Connect+
Deactivated organizations can reapply for active status by filling out a Group Re-Reactivation request form via Blugold Connect+ after ONE FULL SEMESTER has lapsed (the next fall semester.)
Student organizations are required to review their constitutions annually in order to update any necessary information. Student organizations will complete their constitution form via their Blugold Connect+ portal as part of the Annual Group Re-registration submission process. All initial submissions, corrections/revisions must be approved by the group advisor, the Student Organizations Commission, and the Activities, Involvement, & Leadership office to become valid.
Purpose of a Constitution: An organization’s constitution is a written document that incorporates the organization’s basic principles and rules and defines the way it will be governed. If you have any questions regarding the importance of any of the following points, if you need help in formulating your constitution, or to obtain a sample constitution, please contact one of the following:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Requests for reactivating a previous student organization can be submitted anytime during the academic year unless the student organization was deactivated the previous fall semester due to non-compliance with the Annual Student Organization Re-Registration requirements. Student organizations that fall into this category must wait until a minimum of ONE FULL SEMESTER has lapsed and may reapply starting the next fall semester (reactivation requests are not taken over the summer.) All requests must be submitted by a current 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 student (advisors may not submit a reactivation request on behalf of an organization.) Please read all of the steps below before you begin your request.
- Inactive organizations can reapply for active status by logging into the Blugold Connect+ system and follow the below steps:
- Click on the "Groups" tab
- Then click on the "+ All Groups" blue button,
- Then click on the blue "Register New Student Organization" button
- You will be taken to the "Student Organization Registration form" - here you must choose the "Reactivation" option (please note, you will be required to fill out the Constitution requirements information as part of your submission - you do not need to upload a separate constitution.)
- You must retain a current UW-Eau Claire faculty/staff advisor prior to submitting this form (retired faculty/staff may not serve as primary advisors.)
- You must have a minimum of 4 currently enrolled 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 student members/officers in order to reactivate a student organization.
- Inactive organizations that have filled out a Group Registration (Reactivation option) request form are considered provisional and must adhere to Provisional Status until six weeks have passed or the organization has received final approval by the Student Organizations Commission and the Activities, Involvement, & Leadership office.
- The Student Organizations Commission will review the submitted Group Registration - Reactivation form and decide by majority vote if it adheres to current Constitution Requirements and meets all official student organization recognition criteria. If approved, the Activities, Involvement, & Leadership office will make the final determination.
- Any information stored within your current student organization’s Blugold Connect+ portal will not transfer to the newly named organization portal. Be sure to download and save any important (e.g., constitutions, budgets, bylaws etc), events, forms, officer/member information, profile information, photos, logos, and any other important content before submitting your Student Organization Name Change Request form.
- After your student organizations' name change has been approved, it is the organizations' responsibility to update the organizations’ EIN number, as well as all bank accounts or on-campus accounts.
Student organizations wishing to proceed with changing their name can do so by logging into the Blugold Connect+ system and following the below steps.
- Click on the "Groups" tab
- Then click on the "+ All Groups" blue button,
- Then click on the blue "Register New Student Organization" button
- You will be taken to the "Student Organization Registration form" where you'll need to choose the "Name Change" option (please note, you will be required to fill out the Constitution requirements information as part of your submission - you do not need to upload a separate constitution.)
- The new organization name must be reflected within the constitution form information of your submission.
- Once your advisor has approved your request, the Student Organizations Commission will then review your submission and decide by majority vote if it adheres to all requirements. If approved by the Student Organizations Commission, the Activities, Involvement, & Leaderhip office will make the final determination. If your request is approved, the constitution as well as the organizational name change will be approved within the organizations' Blugold Connect+ portal. If changes are deemed necessary by the Student Organizations Commission, the organization will be notified by the Student Organizations Commission Director. If changes are deemed necessary by the Activities, Involvement, & Leadership office, the organization will be notified by the Senior Coordinator of Student Organizations.
CONSTITUTION RECOMMENDATIONS: Groups or organizations needing to establish their constitution form responses should refer to the Requirements/Guidelines for Constitutions prior to completing the Group Registration or Group Re-Registration (including Group Name Change option or a Group Reactivation option) form submissions.
The Student Organizations Commission of Student Senate reserves the right to review and assess both student organizations and their constitutions. In addition, should an organization’s national affiliate not reasonably comply with the requirements for UW-Eau Claire constitutions, the Student Organizations Commission of the Student Senate reserves the right to revoke a 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 student organization's recognition status.
If at any time a 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 recognized student organization voluntarily disbands or becomes inactive, it is to notify the Senior Coordinator of Student Organizations and the Student Organizations Commission Director in writing.